function symbolの例文
- The interpretation of a function symbol is a function.
- Terms are variables, constants, and function symbols applied to other terms.
- Function symbols having several declarations are called "'overloaded " '.
- When no function symbols are used, terms are expressions over reals, possibly including variables.
- Injections allow the identity of target objects to be specified in terms of a function symbol.
- In mode 3, the user declares what caseframe is to be used for each function symbol.
- The Update groups are used to specify the update conditions to change the values of function symbols.
- A constraint t1 = t2 can be simplified if both terms are function symbols applied to other terms.
- It is also possible to restrict the arities of function symbols and predicate symbols, in sufficiently expressive theories.
- The model contains the evaluation of all function symbols; therefore, Skolem functions are implicitly, existentially quantified.
- This equivalence is useful because the definition of first-order satisfiability implicitly existentially quantifies over the evaluation of function symbols.
- In predicate calculus a literal is an atomic formula or its negation, where an atomic formula is a function symbols.
- However, the interpretation of a function symbol must always assign a well-defined and total function to the symbol.
- By contrast, for the three-variable fragment of first-order logic without function symbols, satisfiability is undecidable.
- Another improvement that may be used is applying the same Skolem function symbol for formulae that are identical up to variable renaming.
- Adding additional functions symbols, for example, the sine or the exponential function, can change the decidability of the theory.
- It is possible to define the arithmetical hierarchy of formulas using a language extended with a function symbol for each primitive recursive function.
- The addition of further function symbols ( e . g ., the exponential function, the sine function ) may change decidability.
- Reals and function symbols can be combined, leading to terms that are expressions over reals and function symbols applied to other terms.
- Reals and function symbols can be combined, leading to terms that are expressions over reals and function symbols applied to other terms.